Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Help !I'm stuck in my VB 6.0 project getting runtime error...?

I used following commands for Using Access 2000 database:

Private Sub Form_Load()

Set myDb = OpenDatabase("C:\test.mdb")

Set mySet = myDb.OpenRecordset ("Empmast", dbOpenDynaset)

The runtime error 3343 is coming saying unrecognised Database Format


Help !I'm stuck in my VB 6.0 project getting runtime error...?
1. Dim myDb as Database

Dim myset as Recordset

Set myDb=opendatabase("c:\test")

Set mySet = myDb.OpenRecordset ("Empmast", dbOpenDynaset)

And make sure you go to project menu

then click on reference

and search for MS DAO 3.51 Library and tick it

Im sure you are done

2. Your database test.mdb may be faulty, try one of the following try repair the database

or test the code with another database
Reply:I Think you are not using the proper dll for the Access 2000. Check out for the version available on your systems for ADO.

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