Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A computer illiterate lady needs help with a microsoft error?

every where i seach i can not find the exact error

"microsoft visual c++ runtime library runtime error

program. ramfiles\hewlett packard\hp boot optimizer\hpboot op.exe

this application has requested the runtime terminate in an unusual way.

i am absolutely clueless, and if any one knows a fix, could i please request very specific instuctions

thank you so much

A computer illiterate lady needs help with a microsoft error?

This program is not essential for your computer and can be removed. Its main function is to take care of other programs that run as soon as the system is turned on.

First thing is first - make sure you have all the Microsoft Updates installed.

Click here:


I am assuming you are running Windows XP.

Run and Install any "ActiveX controls" that pop up.

Then, when it asks you what Updates you want to install, choose the top option (should be "Express")

Windows will then search for available updates. Click "Install Updates" and wait while updates are downloaded and installed.

This may take a while - hopefully you are on broadband internet. If not, well... hopefully you do not have too many updates to install!


If you do not want to run microsoft update or

if you are still having errors, remove the program.

To remove the program:

(the following is from HP's website so I am assuming everything is where they say it is!)

Click Start and click Control Panel (in Classic View Click Start , select Settings , and then click Control Panel ).

Click Add and Remove Programs (in Classic View double-click the Add and Remove Programs icon).

Locate the HP Boot Optimizer program in the Add and Remove Programs window.

Click HP Boot Optimizer and click Change/Remove .

Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the Boot Optimizer uninstall.

Restart your computer.

Does the error message still appear? If not, that is you finished. Windows will now take care of all programs that run on startup.

If the message still appears, that means that it is refusing to uninstall. try re-installing (to repair) the program.

Follow these steps:

click "Start ", "All Programs" , "HP Tools" , "Compaq Tools" , or "PC Help and Tools" , and "Application Recovery" .

Follow the steps to reinstall the Hp Boot Optimizer.


I hope this information is of help to you. Bottom line - the program error is not harmful to your computer. If you can live with it, thats OK tho I realise you'd like it fixed.


The link for contacting HP is below also.


note that you will need to know your model number (found on the front of the PC usually - you can type it into the search bar on the page the link opens at.)

I hope that my instructions have been clear and apologise if it confuses you too much!


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