Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Please help me with itunes I got an anoying error?

When i open itunes i got this error:

Microsoft visual c++ runtime library runtime error so to avoid this I downloaded the latest itunes software itunes 7.3 but when I want to instalate i got error 1324 please help if you dont want to see me get really mad and ending through my computer on the floor. If there is a free tool to fix these errors send me the links.

Please help me with itunes I got an anoying error?
Hello, Sir.. . My ID is Ms. Dell, and I am pleased to help you today.

Since you have already uninstalled and reinstalled Itunes and the problem still persisted, I am going to provide you additional steps in correcting this dysfunctional problem.

Be patient with me, because this problem requires patience.

We need to delete staled codes in IE7 first.

Open IE7 ( Internet explore 7) which is your browser, and click on TOOLS located to the upper right and then select INTERNET OPTIONS......... There, you will see many buttons. Click on DELETE, then you’ll be taken to where you can either DELETE FILES, DELETE HISTORY, DELETE FORMS, DELETE PASSWORDS AND DELETE ALL.

I highly recommend you to delete your files, history, forms and cookies. Then close that box and then click on OK located to the bottom.

Before we proceed to the next step, be informed that you may lose your Itunes songs.

What OS are you using, is it windows XP or Vista? Let's assume you are using XP.

Click on START located to the bottom left on your computer screen and click on MY COMPUTER. Double click on Local disk (C:) then click on PROGRAM FILES. Then click on the Itunes folder..... Then delete everything in that folder relating to Itunes...

After you have finished deleting all the items in Itunes folder, repeat the step to remove Quickktime player from your computer, too. Then reboot your computer. Then go to http://www.apple.com/itunes/ to re-download Itunes.

NOTE: Turn off your personal firewall program when you are downloading Itunes. But remember to turn it back on as soon as you are finished.

I hope this helps.

You have a great day now.
Reply:Thanks for choosing me as best answer, and I am glad you solved your problem independently,

You have a great day now. Report It

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