Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Every minute or so I get an error message that Ive timed out. I cant use any applications. Why?

Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime LIbrary

Runtime error!

Program: too much to type and it wont let me copy paste

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the applications support team for more information. Help.

Every minute or so I get an error message that Ive timed out. I cant use any applications. Why?
first delete your cookies and temp files and offline content in internet explorer from, tools, internet options under general. what you need to do is uninstall yahoo 7.5 or 8.0 beta from your add remove programs{ in your control panel} {the tool bar and mail all of the files for yahoo that you see there} then also go to your c drive and open, go to program files, open, then go to yahoo folder at the bottom, open, then delete messenger folder {witch has the cache file in it} if it says you cant delete the whole folder it is ok open it and delete everything that you can. then go to http://www.oldversion.com/program.php?n and download 7.0 run the installation, follow the direction perfectly but do not download tool bar or set as your homepage it will ask if you want only messenger nothing else , then your computer will restart, and then try to log on, it might give you an error for no connection, go to above the smiley and click on the messenger preference tab and pick no internet detection button this will fix your problem have a good night :P let me know if it works im at tlattero@hotmail.com :P 7.5 has a runtime error in it which causes your com to stop logging on and 8.0 was not compatible for my com at the time i tried to download it i noticed the problem when i tried to repair 7.5 got a message saying that it couldnt find the correct path to a dll file so i tried 8.0 and no such luck said i was logged on to two computers and keeped logging me out it aint a power outage it is a program malfunction. with both 7.5 and from what i can tell 8.0 beta version for now untill yahoo can get the chance to fix the problems this is only a quick fix. myself and the 30 some people who have already tried and it helped remember please you will lose your archives cause it is a new program but you will still have the same account and friends.
Reply:don't worry it happen's to me all the time.

but i am only nine don't listen to me.
Reply:You probably have some unwanted program running in your system. Try scanning your system using this free scanner:


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