Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A computer illiterate lady needs help with a microsoft error?

every where i seach i can not find the exact error

"microsoft visual c++ runtime library runtime error

program. ramfiles\hewlett packard\hp boot optimizer\hpboot op.exe

this application has requested the runtime terminate in an unusual way.

i am absolutely clueless, and if any one knows a fix, could i please request very specific instuctions

thank you so much

A computer illiterate lady needs help with a microsoft error?
You could try a fix by going to Start then Run. Now type in 'msconfig' without the quotes. Open the Startup Tab. Scroll down the list and untick anything relating to op.exe. Now click apply, click ok. Re-boot your computer. Eventually when you computer boots you will be presented with a new pop-up window - tick do not show again. Good luck.

Reply:You do not need to use the HP Boot Optimizer if you do not want to.

Here is how you uninstall it. Once gone, the error will stop.

Uninstalling the HP Boot Optimizer

Use the following steps to uninstall the Boot Optimizer:

1. Click Start and click Control Panel (in Classic View Click Start , select Settings , and then click Control Panel ).

2. Click Add and Remove Programs (in Classic View double-click the Add and Remove Programs icon).

3. Locate the HP Boot Optimizer program in the Add and Remove Programs window.

4. Click HP Boot Optimizer and click Change/Remove .

5. Follow the on screen instructions to complete the Boot Optimizer uninstall.
Reply:Well im my experience if you reload dot net that might clear up the error. I deal with C++ errors alot and about 80% of those are cleared by doing the above. It surely cant hurt.
Reply:That's a bit strange. It sounds to me like you have a C++ compiler on your computer and causing errors. Simply put: a compiler makes programs if you know how to use them. Anyway, did someone give you this computer? If so, they may have left some programs behind that you don't need.
Reply:Uninstall HP's Boot Optimizer and re-install. http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/gener...
Reply:usually you get this error when you are in the middle of shutting down your computer and something else was trying to start up while you were shutting the computer down.

Turn of the computer completely, and restart the computer, it should fix itself. This sometimes happens with HP software.
Reply:computer meaning

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