Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Microsoft Visual C++ RUntime Libary abnormal program termination help? PLZ HELP!?

Microsoft Visual C++ RUntime Libary abnormal program termination help? PLZ HELP!?

I downloaded this game silkroad i installed but when i try playing it this error comes up and it reads like this

Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Libary

Program C:/Program files/silkroad/sro_client.exe

abnormal program termination

Thats how it read the error please please help i really wanna play this game and i dont know what is it i already installed it and everything and when i press play it reads that error message plz help!!!!

Microsoft Visual C++ RUntime Libary abnormal program termination help? PLZ HELP!?
something is wrong with your programs coding.

basically erase and reinstall it...if that doesnt work...youre out of luck.

unless you know C++ coding to fix it yourself
Reply:This may help ???


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