Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Whenever i try to open a folder it opens but when i try to open a file inside it, my computer gives me a error

It gives me the following error-

Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library

Runtime Error!

Progarm: C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE

abnormal program termination

Whenever i try to open a folder it opens but when i try to open a file inside it, my computer gives me a error
i will assume that u have already a good antivirus and u already scanned your computer for viruses. now go to start menu and press the RUN then write

sfc /scannow

if u have missing files then u may need the windows XP Cd which i am sure u have missing files. it will be repaird and u will be happy again. good luck
Reply:Clean Boot with Only MoSearch

The Mosearch.exe (Microsoft Office Search Service) and Mosdmn.exe (Microsoft Office 10 Search Filter Daemon) Startup items may be conflicting with some other program (or programs) running in the background. Therefore, clean boot your computer with only MoSearch selected on the Startup menu to determine whether this program is the source of the conflict. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Click Start, and then click Run.

2. In the Open box, type msconfig.exe, and then click OK.

3. On the General tab, click Selective startup.

4. On the Startup tab, click to clear all check boxes except for MoSearch.

NOTE: In Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition (Me), leave the *StateMgr check box selected as well.

5. Click OK, and then click Yes when you are prompted to restart the computer.

6. If the error message can be reproduced, repeat the preceding steps. In step 3, also click to clear the Process System.ini file and Process Win.ini file check boxes.

If the error message cannot be reproduced, this indicates that MoSearch is conflicting with some other program or programs running in the background. Follow these steps to locate the conflicting program:

1. Click Start, and then click Run.

2. In the Open box, type msconfig.exe, and then click OK.

3. On the Startup tab, click to select one of the check boxes.

4. Click OK, and then click Yes when you are prompted to restart the computer.

5. If the preceding steps reproduce the error message, the last item added to the Startup menu is causing the conflict. If the error message is not reproduced, repeat these steps until all Startup menu check boxes are selected.

6. If all the Startup menu check boxes are selected and the error message is still not reproduced, start Msconfig again, and then click to select the Process System.ini file and Process Win.ini file check boxes.

Clean the Windows Temp Directory

1. Use Windows Explorer to browse to C:\Windows\Temp.

2. On the Edit menu, click Select All.

3. Press DELETE, and then click Yes to delete all the files.

4. On the desktop, right-click Recycle Bin, and then click Empty Recycle Bin.

5. Restart the computer.
Reply:If that does not help then you could try a system restore point that or reboot and repeatdly press F8 until you get the startup menu and try last known good configuration.

If that does not work then try a repair install ( you will lose all your udpates ) but that should defintly fix the issue.

Also were those files encrypted or anything like that ?

Also if you go to event viewer ( control panel --%26gt; admin tools --%26gt; event viewer )

Do you get any related errors regarding explorer.exe , if so what event id does it have and what is the full error message there.

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