Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Whenever i try to open a folder it opens but when i try to open a file inside it, my computer gives me a error

It gives me the following error-

Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library

Runtime Error!

Progarm: C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE

abnormal program termination

How can i solve this problem? I have tried system resrore many times but it is always unsuccessful in restoring back changes. However, i can access files from the run command but i want to solve this problem. Plz help.

Whenever i try to open a folder it opens but when i try to open a file inside it, my computer gives me a error
I'm not sure how your PC is configured but if you have the Google toolbar installed that could be the culprit.

Try uninstalling the Google toolbar if it is installed. To do so do the following:

1. Go to Start%26gt;%26gt; Control Panel%26gt;%26gt; Add/Remove Programs.

2. Scroll the list until you find "Google toolbar for Internet Explorer".

3. Remove the program and reboot your system.

I hope that this helps you.

Captain Computer
Reply:You can try this tool to fix it:


Good luck!
Reply:oooh...corrupted...it might be infected by virus...try scanning it...if what causes it is a newly installed software...you may try this

click start...then help and support

then look for system restore

follow whatevers gonna pop up.

look your explorer.exe file is corrupt. it may be corrupt for many reasons(virus, shutdown problem).

as my opinion you should try first restore your system in earlier time and check it works or not.

There is big chance that your computer is infected from Viruses. use updated and recognise antivirus it may also solves your problem.

if problem remains try to repair your os. or new installtion required.

Next Best of Luck for You.

keep away your system from viruses.

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